
2023 |
“2023 Members Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Juror Hamida Glasgow and Ann Jastrab. |
"Little by Little, 2023," Art Intersection, Gilbert, AZ |
"Krappy Kamera 2023," SoHo Photo Gallery, New York, NY. Juror Jean Miele. |
"2023 Members Juried Exhibition." Griffin Museum of Photography. Juror Lisa Volpe. |
"2023 Alternative Processes Competition," SoHo Photo Gallery, New York, NY. Juror Elizabeth Avedon. |
2022 |
“2022 Members Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Juror Crista Dix and Ann Jastrab. |
"Light Sensitive 2022," Alternative Processes Exhibition, Art Intersection, Gilbert, AZ. Juror Elizabeth Opalenk. |
“2022 ALTERNATIVE PROCESSES COMPETITION,” Soho Photo Gallery, New York, NY. Juror Ann Jastrab. |
"Shades of Gray," Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Juror Ann Jastrab. |
"Living Image 2022," The Halide Project, Philadelphia. Juror Paula Tognarelli. |
2021 |
“Extraction: Art of the Edge of the Abyss,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Curated by Helaine Glick. |
"Light Sensitive." Alternative Processes Exhibition, Light Intersection, Gilbert, AZ. Juror Brian Taylor. |
"Yellow!" Group Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Juror Ann Jastrab. |
The FANTASTIC FILM SHOW 2021. Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. Honorable Mention. |
5th Annual Alternative Process Photography Exhibition at The Image Flow. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. Jurors: Niniane Kelley, Brian Taylor, Ed Carey, and The Image Flow. |
2020 |
“2020 Members Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Jurors Ann Jastrab and Laura Sackett. Catalog. |
“2020 International Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Juror Aline Smithson. Catalog. |
A Jury of your Peers Group Exhibition. Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. |
The FANTASTIC FILM SHOW 2020. Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. Honorable Mention. Juror Michael Kirchoff. |
"The Meaning of Green," Group Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Juror Ann Jastrab. |
2019 Workshops Group Exhibition. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. |
"Parallel Vienna," Art Fair, Vienna, Austria. |
"Handmade V," Platinum/Palladium Prints, "Valley Fire" Collection, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria. |
"FLOWERS FLOWERS," Grana and Off Center Collections, Traismauer, Austria. |
2019 |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2019 Finalist. International Competition by Photolucida, Portland, OR. |
“2019 International Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Juror Paula Tognarelli. Catalog. |
“2019 Members Juried Exhibition,” Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Jurors R and J Rosenthal. |
“Still Life,” Group Show, Juried by Kimberly Witham. PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlbury, VT. |
“Kindred Spirits,” Group Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Curated by Jan Watten. |
4th Annual Alternative Process Photography Exhibition at The Image Flow. Juried by Ann Jastrab, Unai San Martin, Chirstina Z. Anderson, and The Image Flow. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. |
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“open – theme | unconstrained,“ A Smith Gallery, Johnson CIty, TX. Juror Catherine Couturier. |
“2019 National Juried Competition,” SoHo Photo Gallery, New York, NY. Juror Julie Grahame. |
“2019 San Francisco Bay International Photography Exhibition,” Silver Award. Jurors: Ann Jastrab, Elizabeth Avedon, Julie Grahame, David Garnick. Bokeh Bokeh Photo/ACCI Gallery, Berkeley, CA. |
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"Alternative Visions" exhibition. Juried by Christina Z. Anderson. Part of Alternative Process Symposium.
Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. |
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"25th Juried Exhibition" exhibition. Juried by Julie Grahame. Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. Catalog. |
"Black and White" exhibition. Juror Geoffrey Koslov. Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO. |
“Plastic Fantastic Show X,” Honorable Mention. Juror Becky Ramotowski, (Astro Beck). Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. |
“2019 Somerville Toy Camera Festival,” Juror Gordon Stettinius. Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA. |
“Pollux 12 Awards” Still Life Series Winner, Barcelona, Spain. |
“Light Sensitive,” Alternative Processes Exhibition, Intersection, Gilbert, AZ. Juror Christopher James. |
“Botanicals,” A Smith Gallery, Johnson CIty, TX. Juror Wendy Schneider. |
“On the Shelf,” Gallery Artists Group Show, Corden | Potts Gallery, San Francisco, CA. |
“Something Blue” Group Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Juried by Ann Jastrab. |
"Tree Talk" exhibition. Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. Catalog. |
2018 |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2018 Finalist. International Competition by Photolucida, Portland, OR. |
“2018 International Juried Exhibition,” Group Show, Juried by Eve Schillo. Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Catalog. |
“Still Life,” Group Show, Juried by Kimberly Witham. PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlbury, VT. |
“Shapes,” All-about-Photo 3rd place Winner. Curated by Ann Jastrab and Sandrine Hermand-Grisel. AAP Magazine #4 publication. |
25th Noorderlicht International Photofestival IN VIVO | The nature of nature, Museum Bélvedere, The Netherlands. Curated by Wim Melis. |
“Davis Orton Gallery 4nd Annual Group Show,” Juried by Paula Tognarelli. Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY. |
Fraction Magazine 10th annual issue publication. |
“Open Call 2018,” Juried by Douglas Beasley. PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlbury, VT. |
“STILL LIFE,” Group Show, Juried by Kate Breakey. A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX. |
“SEEING RED,” Group Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA. Juried by Ann Jastrab. |
3rd Annual Alternative Process Photography Exhibition at The Image Flow. Juried by Daniel W. Coburn, Ed Carey, Glen R.
Serbin, and The Image Flow. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. |
2017 |
2017 “HOLIDAY Selections,” Gallery Artists Group Show, Corden|Potts Gallery, San Francisco, CA"Summer Selections" Group Show, Corden|Potts Gallery, San Francisco, CA. |
Top 200 "2017 Critical Mass" Finalist. International Competition by Photolucida, Portland, OR. |
"Here, Part II: FINE LINES AND OTHER FICTIONS," Curated by Renny Pritikin of Contemporary Jewish Museum. Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA. |
"Alternative Process Photography," Juried by Mark Nelson, Max Kellenberger, & The Image Flow. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. |
"Davis Orton Gallery 8th Annual Photobook Show," Juried by Paula Tognarelli and Karen Davis. Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY and Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. Catalog. |
"Tree Talk," Juried by Paula Tognarelli. Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. |
"Fairy Tales and Nuclear Bombs, Lightbox Photography Gallery, Astoria, OR. |
Photolucida 2017 Portfolio Review Participant, Portland, OR. |
Photo Alliance "Our World" Portfolio Review Participant, San Francisco, CA. |
"Black and White," Juried by Ann Jastrab. The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO. |
"Labor of Love," Group Show, Middletown Art Center, Middletown, CA. |
"Seeng RED," Group Show, Middletown Art Center, Middletown, CA. |
2016 |
Top 200 "2016 Critical Mass" Finalist. International Competition by Photolucida, Portland, OR. |
"Something Personal," APA San Francisco 19th Annual show, San Francisco, CA. |
"It’s All in the Details," PWP group show, New York, NY. |
"THE 2015 YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHS EXHIBITION," Lenscratch.com by Aline Smithson. http://lenscratch.com |
"Alternative Process Photography," Juried by Brian Taylor, Kerik Kouklis, & The Image Flow. The Image Flow Gallery, Mill Valley, CA. |
"BOTANICALS," 81 Bees Collective Group Show. Keeble and Shuchat Photography Gallery, Palo Alto, CA. Catalog, PDF, 34MB |
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"OLD," Juried by Ann Jastrab. A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX. |
"Handmade III," Platinum/Palladium Prints, "Grana" Collection, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria. |
"Davis Orton Gallery 2nd Annual Group Show," Juried by Paula Tognarelli. Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY. Catalog, PDF, 5MB. |
"Griffin Museum 22nd Juried Show," Instargam Eddition. Juried by Elizabeth Avedon and Paula Tognarelli. Griffin Museum, Winchester, MA. |
"FotoFest 2016 Biennal," International Meeting Place, Participant. Houston, TX. |
"TRIBUTE," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA. |
"MULTI-LINGUAL," Group Show, Middletown Art Center, Middletown, CA. |
"Ashes to Art," Group Show, Middletown Art Center, Middletown, CA. |
"HEAVY METAL III," Jured by Susan Burnstine. LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR. |
"MINIMALISM," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Mullen Brothers Imaging, San Francisco, CA. |
2015 |
Photolucida 2015 Portfolio Review, Participant, Portland, OR |
"THE 2014 YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHS EXHIBITION," Lenscratch.com by Aline Smithson http://lenscratch.com |
"Illuminated," Juried Show, curated by Elizabeth Avedon. The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO |
"Memories, Stories, Histories," Juried Show, curated by Amy Galpin. The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO |
"FAMILY," Group Show, Curated by Ann Jastrab. RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"PRINTS," Solo Show, Glass Key Photo, San Francisco, CA |
"THE 2015 WHAT I LOOKED LIKE AS A CHILD EXHIBITION," Lenscratch.com by Aline Smithson http://lenscratch.com |
"IMPULSE," Jured by Michael Yochum, Priscilla Otani, Stephen C. Wagner, & Matthew Frederick. ARC Studios, San Francisco, CA |
"Platinum/Palladium Prints, Seeds Collection," PHOTO Art Gallery, Oakland, CA |
"STUDENT/TEACHER SHOW @ Rayko Gallery," Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Treasure," Jured Exhibition, Juried by Roy Flukinger. A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX |
"Coastal," 81 Bees Collective Group Show. Juried by David Christensen. McLaren Lodge, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA |
2014 |
"75 years: Selections from the CCSF Photography Department." Group Show.
• Juried by Sandra S. Philips, SF MOMA; Richard Koci Hernandez, New Media UC Berkeley; and Chuck Mobley, SF Camerawork. SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA
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"Now that You’re Gone … San Francisco Neighborhoods Without Us," The SFAC Galleries Art at City Hall program in partnership with PhotoAlliance.
• Curated by Meg Shiffler and Thom Sempere. City Hall of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
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Open Portfolio Night. PHOTO Oakland Gallery, Oakland, CA |
"Best of Botanicals," Juried Show. PHOTO Oakland Gallery, Oakland, CA |
"4x5 Artist Gallery" Show. 4x5 Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
"ROOM 704," 81 Bees Collective Group Show. Hotel Rex, San Francisco, CA |
"HOME," Juried by Gwen Lafage and David Christensen. 4x5 Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
"New Visions," 81 Bees Collective Group Show. RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Trees," Juried Exhibition, Juried by Ellen Jantzen. A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX |
2013 |
"The Optical," Juried Exhibition, Juried by Allan Chasanoff. Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR |
"Plastic Fantastic IV Show," Juried by Susan Burnstine. LightBox Photgraphic Gallery, Astoria, OR |
"Looking Back: The Art of Nostalgia," Juried by Mary Ann Lynch. PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT |
"Spring in Japan," 4x5 Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
"FOOD," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Photobooth, San Francisco, CA |
"Night Photography," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Calumet Photgraphic, San Francisco, CA |
Photolucida 2013 Portfolio Review, Participant, Portland, OR |
"4x5 Gallery Members," 4x5 Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
"Nature," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Calumet Photographic, San Francisco, CA
"Brown Paper Bag," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Sweetie's Art Bar, San Francisco, CA
“The Guerrilla Show: Join the Revolution” Bay Area Juried Exhibition & Off-The-Wall Sale, ARC Studios, San Francisco, CA |
“Cliché,” 81 Bees Collective Group Show, 4x5 Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
2012 |
FotoFest 2012 Biennal, International Meeting Place, Participant. Houston, TX |
"Student and Instructor Exhibition," Juried by Ann Jastrab. RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA. "Juror Award." |
"Japan Art," Chie Art Gallery, Milan, Italy |
"The Indie Photobook Library at PhotoNOLA," New Orleans, LA |
Marin County Fair 2012, San Rafael, CA |
"Masquerade," Juried Exhibition, Juried by Jack Fischer of Jack Fischer Gallery. Arc Studios, San Francisco, CA |
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"Open Show" Slide Show Presentation @ La Boutique, San Francisco, CA |
"Matter!," de Young’s New Generation Student Showcase, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA |
"Pinhole & Plastic Camera Show," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Harvey Milk Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Underwater," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, PhotoBooth, San Francisco, CA |
"Material Culture: the Organic and the Non-Organic," 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA |
"Underwater," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Dickerman Prints, San Francisco, CA |
"Off the Beaten Path," McLaren Historical Lodge At Golden Gate Park, Group Show, San Francisco, CA |
"Plastic Camera Portraits," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, PhotoBooth, San Francisco, CA |
"Travelling Bees," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, San Francisco, CA |
"Balls," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, Calumet Photography, San Francisco, CA |
"Gestalt," CCSF Group Exhibition at RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
2011 |
Selected images from "Spring in Japan" Collection, RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Dead End," Solo Show, Gallery Obscura, San Francisco, CA |
"Japanese Art of Harmony," Gensler Art Show, San Francisco, CA |
Open Studios, Harvey Milk Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Open Show," Slide Show Presentation @ SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA |
Marin County Fair 2011, San Rafael, CA. Winner of "Best of Show" in Color Photography and "Special Award" |
Harvey Milk Photo Center, Group Show, San Francisco, CA |
"Numbers," 81 Bees Collective Group Show, San Francisco, CA |
81 Bees Collective Group Show, Calumet Photo, San Francisco, CA |
Harvey Milk Photo Center, 81 Bees Collective Group Show, San Francisco, CA |
"Niche," CCSF Group Exhibition at RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Spring in Japan" Collection, Solo Show, Sutter Health Medical Building, San Francisco, CA |
"Memories in Red" Collection, Solo Show, Porto Franco Art Parlor, San Francisco, CA |
Selected images from "Memories in Red" and "Spring in Japan" Collections, Solo Show, The Urban Blend Cafe, Oakland, CA |
"2011, Our World Portfolio Review" Participant, PhotoAlliance, San Francisco, CA |
"Showin’ on the River," Juried Photography Show, Juried by Jerrie Jerné Morago. Riverfront Art Gallery, Petaluma, CA |
2010 |
"Open Show," Slide Show Presentation @ RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
"Serenity Fall," UCSF Women’s Health Center, Represented by McKinley Art Solutions, San Francisco, CA |
"Perspectives," CCSF Group Exhibition at RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
2021 |
“The Fantastic Film 2021 Show,” Honorable Mention. |
"Shadows Competition," All-about-Photo Magazine, Merit Award. |
2020 |
“The Fantastic Film 2020 Show,” Honorable Mention. |
2019 |
“Plastic Fantastic Show X,” Honorable Mention. |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2019 Finalist |
“2019 San Francisco Bay International Photography Exhibition,” Silver Award. |
“Pollux 12 Awards” Still Life Series Winner, Barcelona, Spain. |
2018 |
Third Place Award Winner, "Shapes," All-about-Photo Competition |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2018 Finalist |
2017 |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2017 Finalist |
2016 |
Top 200 Photolucida Critical Mass 2016 Finalist |
2012 |
Juror Award, "Student and Instructor Exhibition," RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA |
2011 |
Photographer’s Forum Magazine, 31st Annual Spring Photography Contest, Finalist |
Marin County Fair 2011, Winner of "Best of Show" in Color Photography and "Special Award" |
5th Annual Photography Masters Cup, Nominee in Abstract Category, London, GB |
Photographer’s Forum Magazine, 31st Annual College Photography Contest, Finalist |
2010 |
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, International Online Competition, The Portrait and People Contest, Finalist |
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, International Online Competition, The Story Teller Contest, Finalist |
The APA Awards 2010 National Photo Competition, Winner |
2002 |
Award for Arts Business Excellence, by The Business Arts Council, an Affiliate of the SF Chamber of Commerce |